Why you should be a part of a Multicultural group
Do you think the multicultural group is important (S)? Honestly, I think it is, don't
agree (S)? Well, I’m here to convince you that it is extremely important to us with
telling you all my own opinions and why you should join (C)!
agree (S)? Well, I’m here to convince you that it is extremely important to us with
telling you all my own opinions and why you should join (C)!
Firstly, you should open to other languages and cultures (S). It gives you the
advantage of learning how to live in different ways and to learn other traditions (C).
It’s alright if you don't want to and feel more comfortable with your own language
but I do suggest you look for things you don't usually do like joining the
Multicultural group(C)!Learning more than one language can make you smarter,
wiser and keep your brain, healthy in old age, isn’t that interesting (C) ? I bet
everybody wants their brain to be healthy when they’re old (S)!
advantage of learning how to live in different ways and to learn other traditions (C).
It’s alright if you don't want to and feel more comfortable with your own language
but I do suggest you look for things you don't usually do like joining the
Multicultural group(C)!Learning more than one language can make you smarter,
wiser and keep your brain, healthy in old age, isn’t that interesting (C) ? I bet
everybody wants their brain to be healthy when they’re old (S)!
The importance of joining the multicultural group is to respect them and their
culture, you should appreciate it too (C)! You can gain knowledge and experience
at understanding the tradition (C). No one should be teased or made fun of if
their cultures is different (C). Even if they’re diverse, that’s still not a reason they
should get picked on (C). It’s okay to be different, and if you have any diverse
friends (C). Tell them “I won't judge you because of your culture, I only focus on
your personality” (S). I’m sure that they’ll be extremely happy, they’ll feel like they
have the best friend that doesn’t tease them because of their culture (S)!
culture, you should appreciate it too (C)! You can gain knowledge and experience
at understanding the tradition (C). No one should be teased or made fun of if
their cultures is different (C). Even if they’re diverse, that’s still not a reason they
should get picked on (C). It’s okay to be different, and if you have any diverse
friends (C). Tell them “I won't judge you because of your culture, I only focus on
your personality” (S). I’m sure that they’ll be extremely happy, they’ll feel like they
have the best friend that doesn’t tease them because of their culture (S)!
If you want to join the Multicultural group you can, if your friends don't respect the
culture, that doesn’t mean you should (C)! If they say “ don't join! They’re really
dumb and for nerds!” or “ If you join we won't be friends with you!” (C). They’re
not real friends if they say that, they should let you do whatever you want to do
and if they spread rumours about you that you joined the “dumb” Multicultural
group, and people make fun of you (C). Ignore them (S)! If they pick on you,
you should still be a part of the Multicultural group and respect it (C). It gives
children the understanding of different cultures (S).
culture, that doesn’t mean you should (C)! If they say “ don't join! They’re really
dumb and for nerds!” or “ If you join we won't be friends with you!” (C). They’re
not real friends if they say that, they should let you do whatever you want to do
and if they spread rumours about you that you joined the “dumb” Multicultural
group, and people make fun of you (C). Ignore them (S)! If they pick on you,
you should still be a part of the Multicultural group and respect it (C). It gives
children the understanding of different cultures (S).
Overall, I think children should join a culture group because it's
extraordinarily important for you to respect and to support the Multicultural group
(C). I do hope all these words made you convinced that it’s good to be in a
Multicultural group! These three examples are always going to make you
convinced no matter what!
extraordinarily important for you to respect and to support the Multicultural group
(C). I do hope all these words made you convinced that it’s good to be in a
Multicultural group! These three examples are always going to make you
convinced no matter what!